How to Become a Strong Advocate for Affordable Housing

Advocacy can sound like a big word filled with to-do lists and action items. The truth is that there is a broad range of ways in which you can be an advocate, and all of them are important.

On the most basic level, affordable housing advocates are those who take interest in the housing needs of people with lower incomes and find a way to aid organizations like CommonBond in their mission. From spreading the message about an organization to physically aiding the organization through volunteer work or participating on their board of directors, advocates of all kinds are needed to help an organization achieve its goals.

The Impact of Advocating for Affordable Housing

There is always a need for affordable housing advocacy, but currently, it’s higher than ever. With the inevitable end of the eviction moratorium looming and unemployment continuing to climb during the pandemic, the National Low Income Housing Coalition estimates that at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance will be needed and millions of low-income renters are at risk of losing their home.

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Ways to Advocate for Affordable Housing

Spread the Word

At the most basic level, advocates are needed to spread the word about the need for affordable housing, the issues surrounding homelessness and housing that is increasingly inaccessible to most, and garner attention and support. When you discuss affordable housing, you’re not only making people aware of an issue they may not be privy to, but you’re humanizing the experience of homelessness and eviction for folks who may have never had to think about the security of their housing, and just how much is at stake when it’s at risk. Additionally, you never know who may have the talents and resources needed to support organizations like CommonBond.

Attend Initiatives and Events

While it may not always be possible to gather in person, organizations like CommonBond have continued to shift in order to safely host virtual events and forums throughout the pandemic. Attending events not only shows your support for the organization, it can help open additional advocacy opportunities for you through networking and education.


Volunteers are a critical part of any nonprofit organization. From helping carry out the programming to sitting on the organization’s board or aiding in everyday tasks, volunteers help ensure the organization has the time and resources to focus on their mission. Even during COVID, CommonBond has volunteer opportunities that can be done from the safety of your own home.


Of course, donations are always a great way to help advocate and support organizations whose work and missions resonate with you. When you donate to CommonBond, you not only help keep the organization going, but also contribute to providing affordable housing and services for 13,000 people across Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and South Dakota.

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Our Impact

Every day, our supporters, volunteers, staff, and community members make our work possible. Below you can view our latest annual report with resident testimonials, stories of impact, program statistics, and financial information.