Building Strong Communities
At CommonBond, we know we wouldn’t be able to build stable homes, strong futures, and vibrant communities without the support of so many who come together to help make it happen. From staff, interns, and volunteers to donors, partners, and advocates, we all continue to work toward the common goal of making affordable housing more accessible for all.
One essential piece of the puzzle is CommonBond’s Board of Directors. Board members are an integral part of CommonBond’s leadership. The Board hires our CEO, helps weigh in on important organizational decisions, uses their influence and talents to support our work, and so much more.
In order to get to know us and the leadership behind the scenes at CommonBond, we are excited to spotlight a CommonBond Board member quarterly! This quarter, it is our pleasure to introduce Jackie, who joined CommonBond’s Board this year and is the Chief Administration and Operations Officer for St. Paul Public Schools.
Engaging with families who live in our properties is an essential part of our housing and services model. We’re pleased to share insights from Jackie about her passion for building strong communities and the perspective she brings into our work.
Get to Know Our Newest Board Member
CommonBond: Tell us a bit about your background and what sparked your interest to become a board member at CommonBond. How are your experiences tied to CommonBond’s work?
Jackie: I am a wife and a mom of three grown children who are 22, 24, and 26 years old; we also did foster care for many years. That’s really where my love of community came from. I’ve been working in education for over 20 years in both Minneapolis and St. Paul public schools where I spent a lot of time engaging with our families and students. I landed with CommonBond because I was interested in how communities and families form. I’ve always had an interest in affordable housing and the support provided to the family in that housing. All my research and experience go back to how families need access to high quality education opportunities and stable housing. To me, it’s not about the size of the house, the street it’s on, or the money it costs – it’s about the supports around the home.
CommonBond: What kinds of goals do you have as a board member of CommonBond? What part of the work is of primary interest to you?
Jackie: I want to focus on how our school district and CommonBond can form a stronger partnership with our families and schools. I think of CommonBond’s newer housing developments and what they could look like if CommonBond had partnered with public schools to make sure the children and families in that area were going to have access to high quality programs. Often, partnerships form after the building is planned or built, but to me, it’s important to form partnerships like this at the very beginning. That should happen on the ground so we can be more intentional. It all goes back to my passion and vision of how education, housing, and employment go together to build strong communities.
CommonBond: What does it mean to you to be a CommonBond Board member?
Jackie: I am excited to be able to bring my perspective to the table alongside other professionals who have been doing this work. The current board is missing the K12 perspective, and I’m looking forward to adding that perspective and learning from professionals in the private and public sector. I attended the gala this last year, and I was really impressed with the level of support and interest from the community. It made me proud and excited to be a part of CommonBond and the great work happening. Deidre (President and CEO of CommonBond) had so much support there, and I was impressed by her ability to connect. Relationships and engagement are important to me, and Deidre seems like a leader that people gravitate toward. I’m excited to work with her.
CommonBond: Why does CommonBond’s work matter?
Jackie: It matters because housing is one of the primary pillars that makes families strong. Education, employment, a livable wage, and stable and secure housing are all a part of what strengthens our communities.
Learn More About Jackie
CommonBond: What does home mean to you?
Jackie: Home to me means peace, safety, love, laughter, connections, and the smell of good food cooking.
CommonBond: Who are your role models? Who inspires you?
Jackie: My mother. She is 93, and I live next door to her. I have learned so much from her about how to be someone that a person needs, whatever that might be. Whether it’s a friend, parent, colleague, girlfriend. She has shown me how to be that person to so many people. She opens her home, arms, and wallet to whatever needs are there. I admire her for that and what she’s instilled. Another person was a pastor and mentor to me who passed away a few years ago. He helped me in my career, school, decisions about life, family.
CommonBond: What is your favorite room in your home?
Jackie: My sun porch. It’s branded as “Jackie’s room” in our household. My family knows not to go into that room. It’s my zen room full of windows. I go in there, look outside, and drink a cup of coffee in the morning.