Improved Well-Being in a Positive Community

Health & Wellness programs give seniors a boost

Health & Wellness programs are a vital part of CommonBond’s Advantage Services model. Classes are provided at no cost to support residents’ capacity to thrive and remain independent.

Char and her husband have lived at Silver Lake Pointe in Mounds View, Minnesota for over 10 years. Earlier this year, Char participated in a six-week workshop called Living Well with Chronic Pain taught by Gail, CommonBond Health & Wellness Manager, and Cindy, Silver Lake Pointe’s Advantage Services Coordinator.

As someone who has dealt with arthritis for much of her life, Char took the class to learn techniques to manage her chronic pain. Not only did Char obtain new tools and knowledge, but she also gained community — a close circle of people who are experiencing struggles similar to her own.

Char says, “It helped me remember I am not alone in my pain.” She also gained a new perspective in feeling empathy for others who experience chronic pain. “The sensitivity I have for others increased, and I gained a new sense of gratitude for the abilities I still have.”

The class was one of openness and inclusiveness. By nature, a workshop that focuses on chronic pain invites discussion of vulnerable topics, including personal reflections from participants about where they are mentally and physically.

“We had freedom in expressing ourselves in an accepting atmosphere,” says Char, “There was never any feeling that ‘I shouldn’t say this or share that.’” Instructors Gail and Cindy helped to foster a positive environment, and the community organically blossomed from there.

In addition to the strong camaraderie that formed from the workshop, Char discovered many practical lessons and tools that help her to this day. In the class, participants worked on action plans — a process that helps participants set manageable goals specific to their own needs and objectives. This tool in particular was useful to Char, and she hopes to continue using her action plan after the class.

Participants also learned about the mind-body connection and how thoughts influence physical health.

“One of the first lessons we learned in class was how your mind affects your body. The mind and body connection— I got that,” says Char.

Through Health & Wellness programs, our focus is on helping residents maintain and enhance their physical, mental, and social stability, and Char’s experience with this Living Well with Chronic Pain class is a prime example.

Last year, 268 residents and community members participated in our valuable Health & Wellness programs. At CommonBond, we are proud to provide strong futures and vibrant communities through Health & Wellness classes, allowing residents to define and achieve their own goals on their path to well-being.


Our Impact

Every day, our supporters, volunteers, staff, and community members make our work possible. Below you can view our latest annual report with resident testimonials, stories of impact, program statistics, and financial information.