Press release: CommonBond receives $1M grant to help Wisconsin residents


Contact: Jordan Roman | 414-759-8120 |

CommonBond Communities receives $1 million grant from the Wisconsin Department of Administration to support Wisconsin residents with rental assistance 

Milwaukee, WI – CommonBond Communities is proud to announce its receipt of a $1 million grant from the Equitable Recovery Program of the Wisconsin Department of Administration. These resources are critical for CommonBond’s work with residents who have been disparately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The granted resources will directly support communities and residents in two ways. First, they will sustain CommonBond’s unique operating model of delivering supportive services and case management to residents who face challenges in maintaining their housing stability. Second, a portion of the granted dollars will eliminate the rent debt residents have incurred as a result of the economic impacts of the pandemic.

Dollars are already being distributed to CommonBond residents like Karen, who says the rent relief has made a big impact on her life:

“It helped me a lot. My eyes popped open, my mouth opened up. I felt very blessed by it all. You always hope there is a miracle out there. This sure was a miracle.”

The communities CommonBond serves were the first to bear the economic burdens of the pandemic and are among the last to benefit from recovery. This grant will equip the organization to serve 755 residents across Wisconsin and provide direct rental assistance to those who have fallen through the cracks of our economic and social systems.

“We applaud this investment by the Department of Administration which supports our vision that all people have a stable and affordable place to call home,” says Jordan Roman, Director of Fundraising and Community Engagement for CommonBond Communities. “While we celebrate this investment in supporting disadvantaged Wisconsin residents, we know there is so much more to do.”

Operating 10 housing communities across Wisconsin, CommonBond Communities continues to offer its integrated approach of housing with supportive services to create stable homes, strong futures, and vibrant communities. These grant funds will allow CommonBond to continue serving residents across Wisconsin.


About CommonBond Communities: CommonBond Communities believes a home is the foundation for everything in life. Our mission is to build stable homes, strong futures, and vibrant communities. CommonBond has been building and sustaining homes with services for families, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities since 1971.

Our Impact

Every day, our supporters, volunteers, staff, and community members make our work possible. Below you can view our latest annual report with resident testimonials, stories of impact, program statistics, and financial information.