Vibrancy in Milwaukee: Our Second “Our Neighbors, Our Communities” Piece is Here!

Our second art piece is here! In celebration of our 50th year, we’ve commissioned local artists to develop posters that speak to the importance of affordable housing and represent our anniversary theme, “Our Neighbors, Our Communities.”

CommonBond Art Poster by Kim Burnett

Click the image to enlarge and see full detail. 

This piece—created by Milwaukee-based artist and illustrator Kim Burnett, is intended to show affordable housing as an opportunity-building asset in communities. It features three of CommonBond’s Milwaukee-area housing communities: from left to right, Bishop’s Creek, Brewery Point, and Glenbrook Apartments. In describing her inspiration, Kim shared:

“Growing up, I saw personally what housing instability and homelessness can do to a person. It greatly affected me watching simple things, like washing up, or being able to print documents needed to gain employment, be huge ordeals and barriers. I also know how difficult it can be to find stability in a pinch, and if it weren’t for close friends and family, I could have been faced with those same barriers. My vision for this design was to show first and foremost that affordable housing is an asset—it creates opportunity and potential, and builds on the vibrant community that Milwaukee has. I wanted to show a sense of community and warmth, something that can only be possible when people have access to stable housing!”  

As you view the piece, consider what elements inspire you and depict vibrancy, opportunity, warmth, and a sense of community. Is it the rays of sunlight illuminating the neighborhood? Is it the cooperative garden? Is it the neighbors talking and children playing?

We are inspired by this latest piece by our Milwaukee-based artist Kim Burnett, and hope you are too! Keep an eye out for the remaining two pieces over the course of our 50th anniversary year. Look for the artwork in our housing communities, our Central Office, in the mail, and more as we continue celebrating 50 years of stable homes, strong futures, and vibrant communities! 

Did you miss our first art piece? Click here to see it!

About the Artist:

Kim Burnett is an artist and illustrator, currently living in Milwaukee. She was raised in North Carolina, where she spent all of her free time drawing and painting. Her family volunteered extensively with refugees and homeless populations, and it was through this work that she became interested in the intersection of social justice and art.

Today, she works primarily in oils, and tries to show the human experience that we all share, through her paintings. It brings her great joy to use art as a way of bringing awareness to human rights issues.


Our Impact

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